Seven exciting years of A1 Adria League in the making!

Believe it or not, we have been through six years (2024 being the seventh one) and 12 exciting seasons of the A1 Adria League while two new ones are awaiting this year. We have come very far since the inception of the league and our first tournament. After many different games and a lot of format changes, we have arrived at today. Take a look at what made the A1 Adria League great, enjoy a trip down memory lane, and reminisce together with us.

From 2017 to today

Everything began with three games and at that time unknown teams. Today we are proud to have hosted some of the best European names in League of Legends, CS:GO, now CS2, and FIFA. Valiance&CO won the league in the first season with Nexa and Hunter who are now playing best European CS2 tournaments with G2 Esports. And that’s not all. That same season we also saw Sacre compete who would later go on to play in EU LCS.

Similar to the initial season, the second one was remarkable as well. That is when we changed the name of the league from VIP Adria League to A1 Adria League, added two new games, Clash Royale and Hearthstone, went mobile, and introduced a new tournament format.

The year 2018 and seasons 3 and 4 introduced Dota in the A1 Adria League and we have seen a tremendous rise in the prize pool between these two seasons. While Team uNIQUE took home 1000 euros, the winners of the 4th season in CS:GO ex-BLUEJAYS won 5000 euros.

CS:GO and FIFA in their prime

Moving forward to next year, Dota 2 and Hearthstone were replaced with Brawl Stars, a game that is still immensely popular and one of our featured games today. Many players who are still competing in 2024 in A1AL made their debuts in season 5 such as Tarik Novo, Esad Memic, brstimir in FIFA, and 4glory and Blink in CS:GO. Now as we know, Tarik Novo has six titles behind him and is expected to win even more.

As we know everything has an end except League of Legends, and in that matter, this MOBA made its return in 2021 with seasons 7 and 8 when Split Riders and Metamoon triumphed. While Tarik started his reign in FIFA. That year we unfortunately didn’t have LAN at the end of the year but we survived COVID better than we hoped as we had almost 30.000 watched hours with more than 200.000 live views.

The return of the LAN

The year 2022 brought back the LAN event and besides that, the finish of the jubilee 10th season of the A1 Adria League watched over 100,000 unique viewers. We introduced new games and a mini-tournament format where the additional games were played for one or two weekends instead of the whole season. Such was PUBG where Entropiq took the title, League of Legends, F1, and VALORANT who made its debut.

We didn’t stop at seven games and last year we had a total of nine different games and competitions. With CS:GO (now CS2), FIFA23 (now EAFC24), and Brawl Stars as main games, we introduced for the first time Fortnite, Trackmania and Rainbow Six Siege. Additionally, League of Legends, PUBG, and VALORANT stayed in the league as mini-tournaments.

Season 12 last November had an amazing LAN finish where the titles went out to Tarik Novo in EAFC24, Salada de Frutas in Brawl Stars, Zero Tenacity in CS2, and SHAQ came victorious in EAFC24 Mobile. Apart from the games, we hosted many different events as a part of Reboot InfoGamer powered by A1 with more than 50 hours of entertainment and a prize pool of more than 17,000 euros.

We already mentioned that this season the prize pool will be a whopping 40,000 euros and that the competition will be as exciting as ever with the first qualifiers starting at the beginning of June.

Get ready and sign up!

This season’s PUBG champion is team Grove Street!

Another mini tournament is over as we are getting closer to the finish of the 12th A1 Adria League season. Namely, PUBG got a new champion after three seasons, Grove Street. Read on to learn how they reached the top spot and every interesting detail of the tournament!

Exciting first day of competition

We have seen many signed-up teams and some of the favorites were Sniip, Late to Party, Idemo Bato, and Rock Solid Boys as the first day of the tournament started hectic. On the first map, we saw quite a chaotic midgame as all teams tried to take the best possible positions, and some of the biggest favorites lost key players. Sniip benefited from an early rotation into the center of the zone, which followed them to the very end. They managed to win the Chicken Dinner even though they made a tactical mistake and got separated at the finish.

On the second map, the uncomfortable first zone dictated that all teams frantically searched for an early entrance into it, and Late To Party managed to get through the quite chaotic game the best and was rewarded for its stable and disciplined game with a 4-to-1 situation at the end. They had as many as 12 kills and first place on the ranking list.

Changing the map also brings a total change to the table. The outsiders outplayed numerous favorites, and in the chaotic finale, we fell from 29 living players to only 11 fighters in less than 60 seconds. Ja Genau team shot very well, but he was not rewarded with kills for their efforts, they will have to settle for placing in the top 4. Together as one secured the Chicken Dinner, but they surely must regret that they did not confirm more kills on Taeg.

The fourth map was won by Sniip and his team while the fifth and the most popular Erangel by our champions. And thus ended the first day of the PUBG competition.

Pubg Day 2 and a last chance for the top 8

Right at the beginning of the first game on the second day of the tournament, the underdogs took the opportunity to find unheated favorites, and in the end, we saw four teams from the bottom of the table. Menace did the best, winning the Chicken Dinner, and Ja Genau launched themselves into the top 8.

On the second Erangel, we saw a show of force by Sniip and Late to Party. Both teams “transferred” 10 kills, and in the clutch end, Zeko almost clutched. Still, he lacked a few better shots to secure the win, so Late to Party celebrated.

Vikendi relaunched Ja Genau into the top 8 – Carlo97 was the real hero of this team, as he dominated the entire game. In the late game, he broke key situations twice, first with two huge headshots from AWM on Grove Street players, and then in a 1v1 situation against XGlide’s Needex.

The fourth map saw the final battle between Together as One and XGlide where the latter profited with many kills and a Chicken Dinner. Furthermore, the highlight of the fifth map was a 2v1 battle between the BOMBER team and Grove Street. Woxez handled this situation brilliantly and took the Chicken Dinner for Grove Street with a clutch shot.

Grove Street victorious in the finals

Day three saw a dramatic finish to the tournament as the efforts of Grove Street and TogetherAsOne led to a photo finish between the two teams. TogetherAsOne’s bold rush on the last map, where they were forced to chase down an 18-point gap that Grove Street had, led to a head-to-head clash where Molodoct had to clutch and eliminate Grove Street. 

This put TaO in a situation where they needed a Chicken Dinner and 5 kills, which ultimately did not materialize as 4UP intercepted TaO and extinguished their hopes of victory. Moreover, Team Ja Genau must be pleased with the third day of competition as they managed to jump from 9th to third place and achieve the highest number of points earned during this day of competition.

Win it all in the new A1AL PUBG tournament!

After League of Legends, we are revealing another mini-tournament in the 12th A1 Adria League season. Unlike an already finished LoL tournament and other upcoming ones, PUBG has a slightly different format. Read on to learn what awaits you if you sign up for this game!

The winner takes it all!

The new PUBG tournament, fourth in the A1 Adria League, will be more exciting and challenging than ever. So far, three-time PUBG champion in the A1AL are Entropiq, who find their way to the top every season. This isn’t surprising considering what a force Entropiq is on the regional, European, and world scene. If you want to compete with the best, don’t waste more time, and sign up HERE AND NOW!

This season, the PUBG mini-tournament will be played for four days. The qualifiers are scheduled for September 4th, where all signed-up teams will compete for their place in the finals. Furthermore, the final days are planned for September 17th, 18th, and 19th, when we will crown the best PUBG team. Each finals day starts at 7:00 CET.

From the qualifiers, the 12 best teams will have a chance at the top prize. Four more invited teams will join them. Follow our social media accounts to find out which!

Overall, 16 teams will give their best during three playdays, and the best team will take home a 600 euro prize. Moreover, maps will be revealed soon. So far, four standard maps are known: Erangel, Vikendi, Miramar, and Taego.

Open Qualifiers – 4.10.2023

First Finals Day – 17.10.2023 at 19h

Second Finals Day – 18.10.2023. at 19h

Third Finals Day – 19.10.2023 at 19h

CS:GO, FIFA and BS players are ready for LAN!

Season 11 in the A1 Adria League is coming to an end. The group stage is officially over, and the teams in multiple games are ready to compete for the top prize, the title, and the right to call themselves the best. Who will win the 11th season in FIFA, BS, and CS:GO find out this weekend in Zagreb!

Zero Tenacity is one step closer to defending the title

Four best teams in this CS:GO seasons were Jake Bube, Portugal, Zero Tenacity, and Infernus Esports. Only two have made it to the finish line, and their battle will be held at Zagrebacki velesajam during a Reboot Games Weekend event. Zero Tenacity once again secured a place in the finals, winning by a considerable margin against team Infernus Esports. Z10 was dominant on both maps, with scores of 16:6 on Mirage and 16:2 on Nuke. As expected of them, they justified the role of favorites.

The second finalist is team Jake Bube. Suppose I might say a slight surprise over team Portugal who had a well-known name in the region DEPRESHN in their roster. Jake Bube played solid two matches, winning with the same result, 16:13 on Mirage and Inferno. The battle in the finals will be tense, but the advantage has to be given to Zero Tenacity as the defenders of the title and last year’s champions.

Novo is back for the fifth FIFA title.

We witnessed an exciting FIFA23 competition in this season of A1AL. Novo, Esad, Fico, and Marec are the best four players coming out victorious. Many familiar names again at the end, and only two will have the chance to battle for the title at the LAN event in Zagreb. Esad and Novo got 2:0 wins against their opponents in the semifinals. Esad bested Fico, while Novo was better than Marec.

Esad and Novo battled it out in the winner bracket’s finals, with Esad as the victor. He defeated Novo with a 2:1 score. Thus Novo fell to the loser bracket, where he had to beat Fico, who previously eliminated Marec in the lower bracket semifinals. Novo defeated Fico with a 2:1 score and got a chance for revenge against Esad.

In the best-of-five match, Novo will have his shot against Esad in the finals. Since Esad won the winner bracket finals, he will have a win advantage in the grand finals.

The second title for Esad or the fifth one for Novo?

Salada and Menace in the BS finals

This season one of our previous main games, Brawl Stars, had a different format. Instead of competition lasting throughout the whole season, Brawlers battled it out in two qualifiers. played on May 25th and June 1st. The two best teams who came out victorious out of the qualifiers are Salada de Frutas, now just Frutas, and Menace2Society.

Frutas was dominant in the first qualifier; they even eliminated their opponents in the upcoming finals Menace2Society, and some familiar names in the region, such as Jazavci, La Aquilla, etc. In the second qualifier, with Frutas out of the way, Menace2Society got their chance to qualify, which they did.

The finals will be tense in the Brawl Stars competition since former teammates will now be opponents. Namely, Decai, who won the BS tournament with Omerta last year, had Protic as his teammate. Protic is now a part of Menace2Society, while Decai plays for Frutas. Don’t miss the action this weekend in Zagreb!

Entropiq won the PUBG title.

One of the mini-tournaments played recently was in PUBG. Once again, the favorites were clear, and they bested the competition once again to defend the title for the second time. So far, we had three PUBG tournaments in three seasons in the A1 Adria League, and all three went into the hand of Entropiq. This team is a well-known name in both regional and worldwide tournaments. The best player in the 11th season of A1AL was Lukarux, who won the MVP prize.

PUBG Returns to A1 Adria League Season 11!

Calling all PUBG fans! The A1 Adria League is back and this time it’s bringing one of the most popular battle royale games to the forefront. That’s right, PUBG is making a comeback in the 11th season of A1 Adria League, and we can’t wait to see the best players from the region battle it out for the championship title.

Don’t wait, sign up for the A1 Adria League PUBG qualifiers now!

If you’re a fan of the game or just looking to get into esports, this is the perfect opportunity to showcase your skills and compete against other top-tier players. The tournament promises to be a thrilling experience with five maps for qualifiers and 18 maps for the finals played across three days. The best team will walk away with 600€, runners up will earn 300€, while the third team takes 100€.

Players have until the 9th of May (23:59) to register for the qualifiers by filling out THIS FORM. So, gather your squad and get ready to drop back onto the battlegrounds, as you could be one step closer to being crowned champion of the 11th season of A1 Adria League’s PUBG tournament.

A1 Adria League Season 11 – PUBG – 10.5.-18.5.2023

The competition is sure to be fierce, and the gameplay promises to be intense. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, this is an event you won’t want to miss. Make sure to mark your calendars and stay tuned for more information on dates and times.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to compete against some of the best PUBG players in the region. Join the A1 Adria League and experience the thrill of the game like never before!

Entropiq defends the title in PUBG!

The second PUBG competition in the A1 Adria League got its champion at the beginning of the week. Once again the title went into the hands of Entropiq. This amazing team had no trouble defending the title and securing it for one more season. We can say that the PUBG competition this year without a doubt belonged to this team.

Entropiq is above the competition

The biggest favorites of the PUBG competition this season went on to take home the title and the prize. Entropiq managed to defend the title and they are now the two-time consecutive A1AL champions in this Battle Royale game. Out of the invited teams, excluding Entropiq who won the whole thing, the best performance had the team MForce who placed third. While the worst was Sneaky Foxes who only had 21 points and 14 kills in six games which brought them 12th place.

Entropiq took the title accumulating 63 points and 37 kills in all six games which was a great result. In second place was team Hall of Game which interestingly enough had more kills than Entropiq, but fewer points. They had 47 kills overall but six points less than the first-placed team. And as mentioned MForce was third with an overall 49 points and 30 kills.

Ivas and his team are having a really good year, and this title was expected of them. This year they were also crowned the best in the ninth A1 Adria League season as well as in the European PCS Series 6 which is an S-Tier tournament.

The best three teams, unlike last season when only two were awarded, shared the prize pool in the A1AL PUBG tournament.

  1. Entropiq – 600€
  2. Hall of Game – 300€
  3. MForce – 100€

PUBG is back on the menu!

PUBG Battlegrounds is back in Season 10! Two playdays, qualifiers and playoffs, and a 1000€ prize pool await the best PUBG players in the region. Here is what you need to know.

A1 Adria League Season 10 PUBG Battlegrounds

Last season Entropiq managed to claim the title in PUBG Battlegrounds. One of the most popular battle royale games is back for another season. The format will stay the same. In the qualifiers, two lobbies of 16 teams will be competing for a spot in the playoffs. Five maps will be played in each lobby. The Top 8 teams from each lobby will qualify for the playoffs and have a chance to win most of the 1000€ prize pool.

Qualifiers and playoffs will be played over the course of two days! You can sign up for the qualifiers until the 16th of October! And below you can find the schedule for both playdays.

SIGN UP FOR THE PUBG Battlgrounds Qualifier HERE

PUBG Qualifiers – 17.10.2022
PUBG Playoffs – 18.10.2022

Streaming is allowed if you follow these simple rules:

**IMPORTANT**  If you will be streaming – the stream delay must be 12 min (the official stream will have a 10 min delay).

Follow these important stream rules:
– No rights of third parties are violated (these include copyrights, trademark rights, etc.)
– No content is shown that is racist, homophobic, defamatory, obscene, libelous, or glorifies violence
– No applicable laws are violated (especially criminal law and youth protection)
– No advertising for the following products or services is actively integrated: nicotine, alcohol, cannabis, and other addictive substances party politics, especially election advertising, pornography gambling, lotteries, casino, poker, sports betting, or comparable item or in-game currency trading outside of first-party platforms or official offerings online key sales, insofar as these do not involve licensed dealers automated pop-ups, upon which the streamer exercises no influence, are principally permitted and are excluded from the criteria for exclusion listed above.

For additional info, you can check the PUBG page.

Ivas: We always do our best in both European and regional tournaments

The last rotating game finished last weekend. The PUBG tournament in A1 Adria League went into the hands of a well-known team Entropiq, as was expected. We talked with one of the members of this team Jurica “ivas” Baronić about his experience in A1AL, PCS 6, and their future plans.

Congratulations on winning the title. What does it feel like to be the first champion of the PUBG tournament in the A1 Adria League?

It’s always a good feeling winning the first place, especially now because we played with a mixed roster and we didn’t even have two first-team members.

What were your expectations before the tournament and what other team played the best in your opinion?

Winning the title was expected, we always give our best to show what we can do whether it’s in the big European or regional tournament. The team that played the best was definitely Mforce.

This season we have seven games instead of four, from which three lasted two weekends, including PUBG. What do you think of this new format in A1AL?

It’s a great thing you did, adding PUBG as one of the titles in the A1 Adria League. Every new tournament is more than welcome.

Recently you won PCS 6 Europe. Did you expect to win that title and what did it feel like to overcome all the European teams and bring home the title?

We believed we have enough quality to make a great success and result. This is one of the biggest achievements for our regional esports scene. Winning the PCS 6 was the result of a two-year tough work, and becoming the champion of Europe against organizations such as FaZe Clan, Team Liquid, NAVI, Heroic, and others is indescribable.

Do you expect to qualify for Global Championship 2022, since you made a large number of points by winning PCS 6?

At the moment we are first with 475 PGC points. If we look at the statistics we have a 97% chance to qualify for PUBG Global Championship 2022. Our focus is to be prepared for every upcoming tournament and be ready for the world championship that will be held at the end of the year.

What are your plans after this tournament?

Our plan is to continue with a series of good results. There may be a new Entropiq bootcamp planning, but for more juicy details make sure to follow our socials!

Entropiq is the first PUBG champion in A1AL!

The last rotating game in this season’s A1 Adria League is behind us. PUBG competition was the last out of the league’s four new games we implemented. As expected, the first PUBG tournament winner was no other than Entropiq.

Entropiq dominated the playoffs

Many teams competed yesterday on as many as five maps. As the fans could have seen two games were played on Miramar, and three on Erangel. Entropiq was a big favorite ever since the competition had started, and they justified that role last night in the PUBG playoffs.

The first map went into the hands of Entropiq as expected, while Mforce who was the most formidable opponent next to Entropiq finished the map in the third place. On the first map, the champions secured 17 kills which brought them 27 points. The second map was a peculiar one. We have seen only two kills from Reroot Gaming on the whole map, and those kills were for the win. Namely, two members of Reroot Gaming St1p1 and Velehos were left against ivas from Entropiq and Cro_L1DeRsrb_Ba from Sneaky Foxes. They managed to kill them and take the map for themselves.

The third and fifth maps also belonged to Entropiq, who secured 14 kills in each of them. The fourth map however went into the hand of an underdog team Fouward. In this map, our champions had only 5 kills, which was unusual for them.

In the end, all the wins last night, secured the Entropiq first place and gave them a great lead over the second-placed Mforce, with whom they also fought for the first place last weekend. The overall score for Entropiq in this tournament was 107 kills and 171 points. And after PCS 6 Europe, yet another, smaller tournament, respectively, was secured by this team. They now go home with the first PUBG A1 Adria League title and a 700€ prize. Congratulations!


The biggest favorites for winning the PUBG championship are Entropiq and Mfroce!

The last rotating game in the ninth season of the A1 Adria League is PUBG. Last night we have seen 19 teams compete for the highest number of points. Seeing as we had this many teams they all automatically secured their spot in the playoff which will be played next Saturday, or May 28th.

Entropiq and Mforce at the top of the table

Last night we have seen the overall five maps which were played, as well as it will be next week. The biggest favorite before the competition started was of course Entropiq. This team is a well-known PUBG name in the region and in the world. Recently they won the sixth PUBG Continental Series tournament for Europe. And even though in A1 Adria League this team didn’t come with completely the same roster, the core and heart of the team are still there. Entropiq was dominant on the first two maps, which they won.

The third map went into the hands of the team TaTu HuniEs, while the victorious team on the last two maps was Mforce. Up until the last map, Entropiq was in first place on the table with the highest number of points. However, after the fifth map was over they had fallen to second place while Mforce took the lead. Mforce secured the top of the table with 47 kills and 83 points, while Entropiq sits in second place with 43 kills and 68 points. The most valuable player that can be singled out was Entropiq’s CROMAN86 who had an amazing performance throughout all five maps.

Next week we can expect a fierce fight from these teams when the best regional PUBG squad will take home the prize and the prestige title. Some of the other teams who still have a chance for the title and are the favorites are TaTu HuniEs, Sneaky Foxes, and Replay, besides the two mentioned above.

Top 5 PUBG teams after the qualifier:

  1. Mforce (47 kills, 83 points)
  2. Entropiq (43 kills, 68 points)
  3. TaTu HuniEs (39 kills, 56 points)
  4. Sneaky Foxes (25 kills, 47 points)
  5. Replay (26 kills, 45 points)