Entries by ElGancho

Metamoon are your A1 Adria League LoL champions!

In the final two matches of this season, Metamoon came out on top and outplayed both 49% winrate and Harmony to win the main prize. As the double-elimination League of Legends bracket has been slowly progressing throughout the season, only two matches remained for today. The matches in question were the lower-bracket final and of […]

For the third time in a row, amke2001 is the A1AL champion!

The two-day-long FIFA playoffs culminated with an incredible final in which Tarik “amke2001” Novo became the three-time A1 Adria League champion. During Season 8 of the A1 Adria League, the regional FIFA players had the chance to play against each other in two titles – FIFA21 and FIFA22. The four players that managed to adapt […]

Marten to replace BLUEJAYS in the CS:GO playoffs!

Instead of BLUEJAYS, it will be Marten Gaming who will try to claim the throne in the final playday of this CS:GO season. Yesterday, one of the A1 Adria League participants managed to accomplish a great feat on the international CS:GO scene. Namely, BLUEJAYS, a team consisting of players that have been a part of […]

GAMERS FOR KIARA; Tune in for a good cause!

Probably the most important segment of this season’s Reboot Online Games Week will be the humanitarian one, dedicated to helping Kiara Goršić. Kiara Goršić is a seven-year-old. Unfortunately, a tragedy recently struck her and her family. Namely, Kiara was diagnosed with a form of brain tumor. It is a grade IV diffuse glioma of the […]

Harmony enter the League of Legends grand finals!

The upper bracket final match saw Harmony outplay Metamoon and become the first team in the grand finals. While our other three games had their respective SWISS stages decide the playoffs participants, after the qualifiers, League of Legends jumped straight into the playoffs. With a slower tempo, the eight teams have been playing the double-elimination […]

Four panels, four topics and plenty of guests!

Four new panels this Reboot Online Games Week will be available for our followers to watch and enjoy during the entire week. After the initial introduction to Reboot Online Games Week, we will kick off the event with a panel about the revolutionary 5G network. Our very own PougljeniMrav will be joined by top-notch experts […]