How does gaming on smartphones move the boundaries of esports

Esports was at the beginning limited only to personal computers. With the development of technology, it became possible to compete on consoles, and later on smartphones too. It is exactly the smartphones that in recent years have been moving the boundaries of esports.

Regardless of which research you take into account, gaming on smartphones and tablets, popularly called mobile gaming, is a segment that should grow the fastest. Faster than gaming on personal computers and gaming consoles. Everyone who owns a smartphone is a potential “gamer”. A lot of people today play on their phones and unintentionally make the gamer’s statistics. They play games while traveling or while taking a break from daily activities. Among so many players there are those who compete in mobile games. 

This type of gamer exists in our region too and A1 Adria League is showing that for seasons including at least one mobile game in its tournament. Earlier it was the popular game Clash Royale, and in the eighth season, which was held last year, all the lights of mobile gaming were on Brawl Stars

Last summer it was the best domestic Brawl Stars players such as Lavvek, Adry, Andrey, and DzonDzon who represented the region in the Clash of Leagues tournament in Salzburg, in which the best players from five Central European Leagues and regional A1 Adria League participate. 

clash of leagues mobile esports

Discussions about whether esports on mobile devices are real esports are long over. Smartphones and tablets are today technically so developed that they can support more demanding games too. Big developers and video game publishers have in mind the potential that mobile gaming has. Riot Games studio which made the ultra-popular League of Legends and VALORANT, also published a mobile version of the most popular MOBA game: League of Legends: Wild Rift. Call of Duty mobile has been available for a while now for everyone who prefers shooting on mobile platforms. 

How can mobile esports help women enter esports?

With the growth of esports, the age boundaries of entering the world of competitive gaming are being moved. Regardless of the game, a lot of them are adapted to the youngest players, who very intuitively, using touchscreen controls can experience competitive gaming. 20 or more years ago to achieve this you needed to have some technical knowledge as well as a very expensive, and sometimes, unavailable device. 

Of course, some of them will in the future play on gaming consoles and personal computers, but will at that point already have experienced something that wasn’t available to the Millenials, not to mention older generations. Of course, mobile esports isn’t only meant for younger players.

Female players still make up a very small percentage of active participants in esports. The most popular tournament for girls is the Women Star League Invitational in-game Mobile Legends: Bang Bang if we look at data on an active number of audience and the number of watched hours.

One of the ways in which we could include more females in the world of esports is exactly mobile esports. You wouldn’t need any special equipment for it, and the community isn’t as defined and exclusive as those when gaming on PCs or consoles. 

Woman Star League

However, for mobile esports or any kind of mobile gaming, it’s important to have a smartphone. That’s how the best regional Brawl Stars players in the grand finale of Clash of Leagues in LEVEL Up Arena in Salzburg competed on Xiaomi Redmi Note 10 5G devices which at least gave them an even chance with the best players of other countries. 

When we talk about MOBA or similar games, which are more demanding to both players and devices, it’s important to have a fast response speed so you can run the game without any problems. This was exactly what Xiaomi provided to our guys. What kind of device is needed for the serious competition will depend on the game, and of course on the player. Even the smallest advantage in performance in crucial moments can be decisive.

Mobile gaming and mobile esports are already a part of the gaming industry or better esports industry. It will surely grow in the future, as we are even now raising new generations of gamers, professional or not. 

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