Clash Royale qualifiers are coming soon!

Clash Royale is making its great return in the ninth season of the A1 Adria League. It’s gonna have a different format than in the previous seasons, but nonetheless, the fun and the competition will be the same as always. Don’t miss your chance to show the region you can be the best!

Two weekends of fun

One of the most popular mobile games is coming back in our A1AL. As you know we have had Clash Royale in some of the previous seasons. In fact, it was one of the first games we hosted. Clash Royale made its appearance in season 2 of A1 Adria League, all the way to season 6. Last year was an exception, whereas League of Legends took its place. This year every regional Clash Royale player or team will have the chance to compete again.

Clash Royale in the ninth season of the League is coming in a different format than before. Just like League of Legends, and VALORANT, this popular mobile game will be played for two weekends only. One weekend is reserved for the qualifier and the next for the playoff stage when we will get the champion.

The matches in the qualifier will be best-of-one, and they will be held in the SWISS format. The best eight teams will go into the next stage, i.e. playoffs, where they will have the chance to fight for the title and the 1000€ prize pool. The group stage will be double elimination and the playoffs will be played in three sets overall. 1v1 duels will be in the best-of-three series, while 2v2s will be best-of-ones.

The Clash Royale qualifier will be held on May 7th, while the playoff is reserved for the week after that. You can sign up at the link below.

  • A1 Adria League Season 9 – Clash Royale – Qualifier

All the information and the rules about the game you can find HERE.

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